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The Most Expensive Guitar in The World!

Guitar Price: $2.7 Million!

OK – we can’t actually sell you this guitar – tho we’d rather like to as it might pay off a few of our bills! Anyway – what is the most expensive guitar ever sold in the world? Well here it is. The title of this most expensive guitar in the world’ also named the: “Reach Out To Asia” Fender Stratocaster and sold at auction to some very wealth and lucky person for a only cool $2.7 million in 2015!

Is this the world’s most expensive guitar ever?!

This star- signed guitar was the result of Bryan Adams’s efforts in the “Reach Out To Asia” project which was designed to help victims of the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami catastrophe that killed around 230000 people over countries. It’s a very unique electric guitar and is unique as it has many of the world’s most famous rock stars and guitarists signatures scribbled all over its body.

Personally this is not ‘the world’s most expensive guitar‘ I would want (if I had a choice) as I would prefer one that had some music history attacked – like one owned by Elvis Presley or ideally a Stratocaster owned and played by Jimi Hendrix! Not least because i’d be very curious to see how he actually had his guitars setup!  Well I hope you enjoyed reading all about the most expensive guitar in the world!

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