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Relish Guitars Advanced Guitar (Even if 70 Years Late!)

How come it took the guitar industry 70 years to make this incredibly jaw-droppingly simple feature on an electric guitar available?! What do you mean you say? What do I mean?! I mean why did it take someone so long to come up with the idea of being able to change pickups like you change a lightbulb? I mean it’s sooo simple and easy idea-wise anyone could make a guitar that does this in their back-room with a few bits and pieces – you know – the pickup just slots in like a plug into a socket?

But for some inexplicable reason – the people and guitar companies never thought of this – or they did they kept it a big secret for 70 years – well after the first electric blue player swapped out his guitar pickups the guitar manufacturers soldered and glues theirs in. Someone needs to be sacked as I’m 100% certain that if I was on Gibson or Fender’s research and deign tech team I would have though of that on day 1 – or perhaps 2!

OK enough of my nonsense – so you want to see one? – well below is a video that shows one of thee guitars off. Personally I really don’t like the look of it – ugly thing – but that guitar pickup swap-out and change feature needs to be on all Fenders and Gibsons like – TOMOORRROW!

Darrell Braun Guitar: I’m always on the lookout for companies pushing the boundaries of what a guitar can be! Relish Guitars has produced an instrument without gimmicks, focusing on amazing versatility, beautiful construction, and fantastic playability! Best, of all, it’s a guitar that just sounds great!

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