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Did Garth Brooks Really Sell More Records Than Elvis?

Look – we all like Garth Brooks but what about this question: did Garth Brooks sell more records than Elvis Presley? First off I should hope so with todays management and promotion and technology and social media giants to promote the records and having a recording career that well exceeds Elvis mere 23 years in the music business (1977-1954) as opposed to Garth’s 35 years in the music biz (2020-1985) and his hokey manager Colonel Tom – who did a pretty good job with what he had promotion-wise at his disposal.

But in reality?.. well in Garth Brook’s mind maybe he did sell more records than Elvis Presley – but the problem is Garth – they can count your record sales – Elvis’ records?.. they haven’t a hope in hell of counting all Elvis Presley’s record sales as he has sold way too many to count in more than a hundred countries – there is no doubt of that – look at Aloha from Hawaii seen by a billion people in 1973! Elvis sold multiple recording/playback formats all over the world in every country and language he was universal in his appeal with all kinds of music styles. Garth?.. well he has a few country fans in the USA;) Now that’s the truth. Sorry to burst Garth’s rather large bubble but there really is no comparison or contest between Elvis Presley and Garth Brooks.

Read more on Garth here…



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